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Raphael Mouttet

S&F Employee Portrait (21 December 2023)

Describe your responsibilities and tasks at S&F? As a member of S&F's legal department, I am currently responsible for 6 investment funds, including real estate funds (notably the famous Streetbox), alternative funds (private debts) and classic equity funds. I'm in charge of the legal/contractual side, as well as coordination and client contact in real estate topics.


What's not in my CV? I'm a bit of a multitasker, an inveterate traveler, a certified skipper of sail, a diver, an ESSS-certified ski instructor, an amateur photographer, an amateur artist and a chartered grenadier.


What was your favorite event at Solutions & Funds?  I haven't taken part in many events, but the beehives were very instructive (fascinating to learn about the beekeeping profession) - ex aequo with the event in Estavayer-le-Lac with a lot of sports activities.


What are your passions outside S&F? Sailing, photography, travel, mountains, history, geopolitics, cinema, drawing.


What motivates you in the world of collective investment schemes? Product diversification, customer contact.


Thank you Raphael for your good vibes and your curiosity.